
Before I begin to talk about Food Revolution Day 2013 and Dorie’s delicious Salted Butter Break-Ups, you must understand that when my friend, Donna, and I geared up for this Revolution, we built in some primping-for-photos time to our schedule. That was forgotten as we took this year’s theme, “Cook it. Share it.” to the max, creating four new recipes for our French Friday with Dorie dinner this week. My hair might have lost its curl and Donna forgot to lose her apron but our dinner was spectacular. Priorities, you know.


Enjoying Dorie's Salted Butter Break-Ups with the last of the Matchbook Syrah.

Enjoying Dorie’s Salted Butter Break-Ups with the last of the Matchbook Syrah.


Food Revolution Day on May 17th is an opportunity for people all over the world to come together and stand up for good food and essential cooking skills. We are congregating in homes, schools, workplaces and communities to cook and share kitchen skills, food knowledge and resources. FRD is a global day of action to raise awareness about the importance of good food and better food education for everyone. All of us here at FFWD are already passionate about these issues so this week we stand tall in revolt, honoring this effort.







For this special May 17th Post,  Donna, her husband, Bernie, and I decided to spend an evening cooking together, celebrating our many years of friendship with good food and wine. Bernie wanted to grill spatchcock chicken, Donna had bookmarked two recipes from Ottolenghi & Tamimi’s  Jerusalem cookbook and I planned to bake Dorie’s  Salted Butter Break-Ups, a cookie to bring to the table whole.  A Cook it, Share it, revolutionary evening.

Prepping the onions for the Mejadra.

Prepping the onions for the Mejadra. 

Crusping the onions for the Mejadra.

Crisping the onions for the Mejadra.

Nothing I could write would convey this night of joyful celebration as we worked our way through Ottolenghi’s complex recipes and oo’d and ah’d when Bernie’s chicken laid flat on the grill – a perfect spatchcock. We also put Bernie, a wine connoisseur, in charge of lubrication. He overachieved.

Time to pull the Salted Butter Break-Ups cookie from the oven.

Taking the Salted Butter Break-Ups out of the oven.

The entire menu, starting with Pierre Herme’s Olive Sablés and Ottolenghi’s Baby spinach with dates and almonds salad;  then, Bernie’s spatchcock chicken (the rub was citrus/savory) paired with Mejadra, another Jerusalem recipe, and ending with Dorie’s crisp, crunchy cookie monster, was wonderfully flavorful, delicious and worthy of any Revolution.


Saluting Food Revolution Day 2013

Saluting Food Revolution Day 2013


Thank you, Donna and Bernie, for sharing this very special evening with me.  If you want to see how my other FFWD colleagues honored this revolt, go here.


French Fridays with Dorie