What do a newly-retired airline pilot, a building contractor, a Chicago banking executive who’s also just retired and I have in common? Give up? We all thoroughly enjoyed, devoured and didn’t leave one yummy crumb of this week’s recipe choice, Whole-Cherry Clafoutis.

Dorie Greenspan's Whole-Cherry Clafoutis

Dorie Greenspan’s Whole-Cherry Clafoutis

This dessert français, Clafoutis, is not without controversy. A dust-up over food? The French? As in a is-it-cake-or-is-it-pudding fuss? Bien sur.

“Technically,” Dorie explains, “clafoutis is considered a cake, but, as you’ll see, it’s more like a pudding, a firm, eggy, flour-based pudding that, when cut into wedges stands up straight on the plate.”


To begin, I settled a pound of whole, sweet pitted cherries snugly in a well-buttered, two-quart, deep dish container. Although in France it’s traditional not to pit the cherries – if you keep the pits the cherries retain more flavor and juice – that wasn’t an option I considered. Next, I whisked together eggs, sugar, flour, milk, cream, vanilla extract and salt. I poured my smooth, almost flan-like batter over the cherries and popped it into a 350 degree oven. Dorie recommends 45 minutes baking time. My clafoutis took more than an hour. You want firm, no jiggles.


 Admittedly, this is not a sweet dessert. It’s, how do I explain this, just filled with goodness and completes a dinner nicely. If you want a sweeter clafoutis, and many prefer that option, look at Julia Child’s recipe which uses more sugar.

Karen and Ann ( l to r), a beautiful evening in Colorado

Karen and Ann ( l to r)

I was nervous about asking Karen (building contractor) and Jim (her husband and former pilot for Saudi Airlines) and Ann (retired Chicago banking executive) to join me for dinner this week. They didn’t know each other, both Jim and Ann are new to Aspen, and, if this small group didn’t click, it would be a loooong evening.

Not to worry, it was close to midnight when they left. Click. Click. Click.

Discussing the Pros and Cons of retirement. Although Ann's was by choice, Jim, like all pilots, had to adhere to the mandatory age requirement.

Discussing the Pros and Cons of retirement. Although Ann’s was by choice, Jim, like all pilots, had to adhere to the mandatory age requirement. He’d rather be flying………..

I’m giving some credit to my delicious Whole Cherry Clafoutis.

A light dusting of confectionery sugar. Yes, I'm a bit heavy-handed with the CS.

A light dusting of confectionary sugar. Yes, I’m a bit heavy-handed with the CS but I love it.

If you’d like to make Dorie’s clafoutis dessert, here’s a recipe that’s closely adapted to hers. To see the clafoutis of my French Fridays with Dorie colleagues, go here.

Dorie Greenspan's Around My French Table recipe book.  Photo: Elise, Simply Recipes.

Dorie Greenspan’s Around My French Table recipe book. Photo: Elise, Simply Recipes.

