Drum roll, please. It’s party time.
As the lyrics say, the celebration is happening tonight.
This week begins the fourth year of French Fridays with Dorie. We’ve been cooking her book since October 2010, and are halfway done. I know we can. I know we can. I know we can.
Salade Niçoise. Although I would prefer Haricot Verts, I bought my green beans at the local farmers market.
For our anniversary week Betsy Pollack who blogs at A Plateful of Happiness and I picked the recipe. We’re the week-to-week administrators of FFWD and the iconic Salade Niçoise seemed to jump out and say, “Choose me,” as we thumbed through the book.
With Dorie’s directions, which are here, we stick with authenticity, using canned tuna preserved in oil and stinky anchovies. I chose Tapenade Vinaigrette but use your own favorite to dress the salad. This was a perfect dinner. Leftovers, tomorrow.
The four apples I used in this cake were Delicious, Fugi, Gala and Braeburn. Be sure to buy different kinds for a unique and special taste.
I also baked Marie-Hélène’s Apple Cake, a make-up recipe that most Doristas made in December 2012. Why did I wait so long? “This apple cake is more apple than cake, rather plain but very appealing in its simplicity,” Dorie explains.
Candle #6 perched upon this cake reminds me that I have now been back in Aspen for six months. Although it’s been a hectic and chaotic 15 months since Michael died, my motor running primarily on adrenalin, I’ve done what I needed to do to get where I wanted to be.
With apologies for this presentation, I enjoyed 1/3 of this apple cake before remembering to take a picture. Mmmmmm, it’s tasty.
You see, I have a birthday this month. Did you peg me for a Libra? They say we need to stay on an even keel. We abhor conflict. It’s that scales of justice, striking the right balance thing. I also just read that “the Libra-born are keen strategists, organizing groups with poise and getting the job done.” (Hey, does that mean we’re bossy?)
Who believes that stuff anyway?
While I am 69 years old this year, I am actually embarking on my seventieth year………..and, that gives me pause. Because the past ten years have been so difficult for my family, I wanted to figure out how the next ten could be better. Giving it my best shot. And, I was determined to accomplish that by this upcoming birthday.
To that end I made lists, asked myself questions and pondered over ideas, plans and decisions. In the end my experiences guided my priorities. Since my kids had circled the wagons the past ten years to help me first care for Michael and then find my footing, I wanted to relieve them of me. I was determined that their life no longer revolve around my needs. Quite honestly, I also needed to flap my wings.
Returning to Aspen was the obvious choice but that presented, to my mind, insurmountable obstacles. My condo in Aspen, less than 1,000 square feet, was never meant for full-time living. What would I do with our belongings, years of memories, stuff? Do I sell our house in Nevada? The real estate market was in the tank. Most importantly, didn’t Thomas Wolfe remind us that you can’t go home again?
That was then and this is now. House sold. (Don’t ask. The answer is, “Alot.”) Our belongings are gone and my load is lighter. Make that, non existent. Surprisingly, I love everything about living here at The Gant. Aspen is just as I remember but better and without question, it’s where I belong.
Happy is sublime………especially when you’re turning sixty-nine.
If you’re interested in how my FFWD colleagues are celebrating our fourth year together, go here.
Mary – congrats on 3 years and 6 months – both momentous occasions 🙂 Though honestly, I think we all needed to make an actual cake. Salad doesn’t quite have the same effect 😉 I am glad you did make one for you – that’s one of my favourite recipes in AMFT!
Congratulations on all the milestones, fellow Libran! Starting over is never easy at any age and I applaud your determination to flap your wings. Yes, cake is very appropriate and this is one of my absolute favourite in AMFT. Thank you for keeping FFwD running like a well-oiled machine and allow us the opportunity to cook/share together!
And, thanks to you for being an over-the-top, amazing, creative and unique chef and baker. I read every single one of your Posts. You use many words and ingredients that this little Iowa girl has never heard.
I’m so glad you’ve reached the point of contentment….it’s been a long and bumpy road for you. Both your salad and celebratory apple cake look terrific…and happy birthday to you!!! xo
PS…heading back to Indy later today. My dad is in a hospital setting rehab now…making baby steps. Glad to see it’s just raining here…did Aspen get snow?
Yep, snow today. #&&@# And, I’m out-of-work, also. Pitkin County went to court to try to keep The Bells (and, the road) open but No Go. How can you close down mountain peaks??? I’m sure you feel better after laying eyes on your Dad and Mom and Maddy must have loved your being there for support. Hope the weather makes from clear flying back to Indiana.
Happy Anniversary, Mary! FFwd, Aspen, your birthday, all of it! I wish you days, months and years of celebrations. Your outlook inspires me every week. I love the candle in the salad, and of course, the cake too, but that’s more classic. Enjoy the snow, and have a great week! (I always say if it’s going to be cold, it might as well be pretty.) xox
Happy birthday, my friend.
You may be bossy, but it’s the best kind of bossy around.
And now, you are making me feel like I need to get cracking on that one make up recipe that I have to complete from FFwD.
They say Libras are just Scorpios with a smile. (I’m a Scorpio.) My mom’s a Libra and you folks are the keenest navigators of social situations… Happy Birthday.
Mary, you are truly amazing. Textbook… do everything that is correct and good for moving on. It sounds like you have truly transitioned into a lighter more peaceful time in your life.
You dessert it… yes, I am referring to the cake. Don’t you just love that apple cake, and the dark rum ain’t so bad either.
Diane – Thanks. Cannot wait to meet you. Your daughter inspired me to make this cake.
Wow. Four years? That seems insane! Maybe it’s because I’ve been slacking myself lately with ffwD.
Very classic presentation of the salad. Cheers to all good things in your life NOW!!
Mary, Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day and just keep doing what you do. You have so much interest in everything and that’s what keeps you young. I can’t believe we are starting our
fourth year of cooking with Dorie, amazing, isn’t it. Have a wonderful weekend.
Have an absolutely smashing birthday Mary! 🙂 It looks like you have broken out all of the candles for the occasion! 🙂
I hope you are enjoying whatever weather you have right now, and your weekend! You are so strong and I’m sure you will figure out how to make the next ten years, the ten best years to look forward to!
Reading this is like I’ve known you for years…weird huh? That last paragraph made me smile so much Mary! I know you’d make the best of it wherever you are, but being actually happy is what we all aim for. Happy birthday my sweet wonderful friend! And remember I’ll be visiting you at some point!
When I read your post I was reminded of the title of a U2 album I love: “All that you can’t leave behind”. Long live your resilience and your flapping wings!
Dear Mary, I will start off by wishing you the most wonderful and happy of birthdays!!! From all of us, of course!!!
I love the way you placed those candles in your French salad and a good slice of your apple cake – this happens to be our favorite apple cake of all times (I might have mentioned that about ten times already) and I have baked it sooo many times – it looks delicious – especially with that ice cream!
Yesterday I went to a fair and was looking for the artist that made your angel – alas, she was not there – I was going to tell her how much you enjoy her angel and take a look at her wonderful collection. Next time then…
All those wonderful milestones to celebrate this week! All the very best and tons of hugs and kisses from afar!!!
Andrea & Co.
Oh Mary, First, I have to tell you what a joy it was to meet you in Seattle. It seemed like we were all long lost friends. Then I have to wish you the most wonderful of birthdays…Bill just turned 69 in Sept., while we were away! Sounds like you have taken life by the reins and made it work for you! Anytime you want to plan a trip to the east coast…you have a friend to stay with!
Your salad looks absolutely delicious and your cake is lovely for any celebration! Marie Helene’s Apple Cake is one of my favorite recipes in the book! Glad you got to make it!
By the way…You can call me any time. And one more time, Happy Birthday!