Are you ready to read “Wild, From Lost To Found On The Pacific Crest Trail”, a well-written, mesmerizing saga by Cheryl Strayed?

This is the test:  Do you still, on occasion, shake your head back-and-forth and say to yourself, “What was I thinking?”

Pleading guilty?

Then, this page-turner is a book you’ll love. Every chapter, make that, every few pages, is a “What was she thinking” moment.

Author Cheryl Strayed

At 26 years of age, unprepared and alone, Strayed spent 3-months hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, a 2,650-mile national scenic route running from Mexico through California, Oregon, Washington and into Canada. Her decision to do this was impulsive. Following through on an impulsive decision was foolhardy.

“WILD” by Cheryl Strayed

“Strayed’s journey was as transcendent as it was turbulent,” writes Marjorie Kehe who reviews books for the Christian Science Monitor. “She faced down hunger, thirst, injury, fatigue, boredom, loss, bad weather, and wild animals. Yet she also reached new levels of joy, accomplishment, courage, peace, and found extraordinary companionship.” 

Amazon named it a Best Book of the Month for March 2012 and it’s been on the New York Times best-seller list for the past four weeks. WILD has been optioned for film by Pacific Standard, actress Reese Witherspoon’s production company.

This book could share a shelf with Aron Ralston’s Between a Rock and a Hard Place and Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air and Into The Wild.

I couldn’t put it down. Read it, cover to cover in ten days.

Also on my bedside table………

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